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Clara Frühwirth

The magic of newly composed, everyday situations characterizes Clara’s tender illustrations. Her educational background in art and design (illustration) as well as social pedagogy prepared her well to become an award-winning picture book illustrator. Clara combines digital capabilities with analog work deeply rooted in fine art. Her images explore social issues and tackle psychological topics. Sovereign stylistic confidence and careful attention to detail invite contemplation. Everyone is invited to join her on this wonderful journey: children as well as adults.

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References: Tyrolia Verlag, Picus Verlag, Dixi Traubenzucker - Instantina Nahrungsmittel, Megaphon - Caritas der Diözese Graz-Seckau, Buchklub Verlags- und Medienvertrieb, Bookolino - Literaturhaus Graz, Accomplices- Verein zur Erkundung multimedialer Ausdrucksformen, MAKAvA, Das Dekagramm, PH Steiermark, KiJuLit Zentrum, Universalmuseum Joanneum - Neue Galerie Graz, LändleApo

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