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Jana Grabner

Respect for nature shapes Jana's work first and foremost. Her sources of inspiration can be Graz, but just as easily Madagascar - an island she has traveled to, which has fascinated her and helped shape her thinking about nature and sustainability. That's why her harmonious illustrations, populated by plants and animals, never fail to make a statement. Jana has illustrated books and shares her knowledge as a teacher. As a co-founder of "Urban Sketchers", she always reveals new facets of the Styrian capital.

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References: Megaphon Magazin, ÖGK Steiermark, FH JOANNEUM, 4/vier Werbeagentur, Wildlife Conservation Society, Centre Valbio, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group, Zoo Parc Ivoloina, an.schläge Magazin, Turtle Island Graz, SFG Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft

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