Mac Krebernik
Successful illustrations combine what is seemingly incompatible. To pull that off, you need to know your stuff, like Mac does. He combines the world of graphics and design with his knowledge of mechatronics, from which his expertise in the visualization of technical documentation stems. For more than ten years, Mac has worked successfully as a technical illustrator, achieving creative balance with free projects which combine classic illustration, animation, and interaction design. A useful counterpoint which never fails to inspire new ideas for his clients.
References: adhocrates collective, Amt der Steirischen Landesregierung, Andritz, Commend International, Curator Publishing, das Gramm, der Prem, Energie Steiermark, GREENoneTEC, FH JOANNEUM, itl AG, itl GmbH, Kapsch, Kioto Photovoltaics, Kleine Zeitung, Loesche, OEBB, Pleasure Snowboard Mag, Snowboard Museum, smaXtec, TVB Judenburg, Unter Freiem Himmel