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Nadine Hentrich

Nadine Hentrich's work could also be understood as a school of seeing. "Looking at what others do not see" is the leitmotif that consistently characterizes the art of the Viennese illustrator and art director. Her collages are outstanding, characterized as much by a love of detail as by impressive clarity. The result is a unique expressiveness that skillfully presents itself as an intersection between collage technique and precise graphics. Thematically, there is room for many things, from surreal subjects to devotedly designed animal motifs. In her work, Nadine prefers to be guided by her intuition. She works with everything she can get her hands on, as she says. This can be magazines, newspapers, but also tissue boxes. Nadine also benefits from her many years of experience in advertising agencies in Hamburg and Berlin. All of this flows into the sound creative advice that Nadine offers her clients. Her clients include cultural magazines and companies from the health and retail sectors. The viewer of Nadine's work gets the desire to try it once with intuition.

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References: Plantas Handels GmbH, MONTREET, Oh Magazine, Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum Berlin

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